Yoga teacher training/requirement

Conditions and Requirements in the Iyengar Yoga certification process

  • It is open to all, regardless of your background, age, flexibility or anything else.
  • The duration varies according to capacity and dedication, but it is in years.
  • You are expected to build up a practice up to 5 or 6 times a week.
  • You are expected to attend 2 or 3 classes a week during your (entire)training
  • You are expected to follow 1 3 hours workshop a month plus two short 2-3 days workshop a year (including the annual convention).
  • You are expected to assist and take notes 15 classes a year.
  • You are expected to start teaching yoga.
  • There is no extra cost for the teacher training out the regular price of your workshop and classes
  • Once a year,  you have a one-on-one meeting with your teacher to assess your work and progress.
  • You are expected to duly fulfil your given homework on time.
  • You must be part of the Danish Iyengar yoga association

These are the books you need to buy

  • Light on yoga, bks iyengar
  • Yoga a gem for women geeta iyengar
  • Yoga a matter of health bks iyengar
  • The tree of yoga bks iyengar
  • Preliminary course Geeta Iyengar
  • Intermediate course Geeta Iyengar
  • Basic Guidelines Geeta Iyengar

These are the books you might want to buy somewhere on the way

  • Light on Life bks iyengar
  • Light on pranayama BKS iyengar
  • Light on the yoga sutra bks iyengar
  • Core on the yoga sutra BKs iyengar
  • Anatomie for the mouvement Blaninde calais germain Volume 1 and 2
  • Iyengar Yoga Asana Alternatives: the Neck & Shoulders Lois steinberg
  • Iyengar Yoga Asana Alternatives: the Knees
  • Props for Yoga
  • Props for Yoga Volume 2: Sitting Asana and Forward Extensions
  • A Chair for Yoga
  • Props for Yoga Volume 3: Inverted Asanas